Visual Inventory Tracker


What is Shelf?

Shelf is a digital inventory tracker that everyone can use. You can organize your shoes, your electronics, your clothes, anything you can think of. Shelf is fully customizable.

What are the costs?

Currently we do not charge any fees for the use of the app. We do plan to introduce a subscription fee later on for premium features.

I can't login! Help!

You will need to entre the password that you have set up for your account. Click here if you have forgotten your password.

If you're still having problems, please contact our customer support team.

When will Shelf 2.0 be out?

Were working hard on Shelf 2.0 and are excited to release some cool new features, hang tight Shelf 2.0 is on its way summer 2018.

Contact Us



1000 1 Street Southwest Calgary, Alberta

Developed by: Raza, Sharon, Mike, and Andrew